How to improve the swing?
Being able to have a refined and reliable technique in order to fully enjoy a precision sport like golf requires a great deal of effort and many hours of dedication and training.
The truth is that for many people golf can be a very complex sport to start. And although it is true that to know how to make an easy golf swing you need a lot of practice, in this article we are going to give you some tips to improve your swing, which may help you enjoy your game more.
Tips to improve the swing
- the grip
Although it may seem very obvious, the truth is that having a good grip is one of the most important characteristics of the swing. To check that your grip is correct, you can do a little test. Grab your golf club with your main hand only, using only your index finger. If you can hold the club with your index finger and the ball of your hand, that is a very good indication that your grip is good. In turn, if you see that you can perform the wrist joint correctly while holding the stick in this way, that is also an infallible sign that your grip is more than correct.
- The posture
One of the characteristics of the swing that you must take into account and that is essential to start is the position. When we speak of the position we refer to the angle of the spine, the inclination of the shoulders, the way the arms hang and the flexion of the knees. You should not lock your legs or squat down in your stance. Just be in an athletic stance and on point as naturally as possible.
Then slightly raise the front arm a little above the rear arm. Your back shoulder will be slightly lower than your front shoulder, shaping the flight of the ball for a good high shot. This helps move the club path up and to the right, which helps the ball roll and roll. With practice it gets easier and feels more natural. If you keep your balance in mind at all times, your chances of making a good swing increase dramatically.
- run the hit
To start a good swing you have to move the club slightly away from the ball. You have to do it very gently and with your arms extended as far as possible. The movement ends with the stick above the shoulder and parallel to the ground.
Once this movement is finished, we move on to the change of direction and the speed of the golf swing with which we are going to hit the ball. The descent of the club is done with a movement of the hips with which our body is inverted with a turn and at the same time that we lower the head of the club. Thanks to this movement and the force with which we have hit the ball, it will be difficult for us to stop. and for this reason we continue to slow down gradually. Meanwhile the golf club will continue to draw an arc around our body. When this movement ends, the stick must be above our head.
In short, to make a good swing you need a lot of practice and perseverance and above all to have the best golf clubs in your golf bag.